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Street Address:
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(eg. 604-123-4567)
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I am applying for the following service:

free listing
paid enhanced listing

I would like to have my business listing displayed in high traffic areas throughout the site (eg. news items, calendar events)
- see example -

I would like to have my business displayed as a search result option when people search for my competitor's names and keywords
- see example-

I would like to have my business displayed on premium pages, front pages and live web cam pages for extra exposure
- see example -

I would be willing to put a reciprocal link to this site in order to achieve higher search engine rankings
- see example -

I would like to participate in the Great Deals program and offer "Groupon" type specials to viewers from time to time
- see example -

I am interested in contributing articles or occasional blog items to the site so that I gain extra exposure for my business
- see example -


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(enter URL of .jpg to use)

So that we can prevent spammers from submitting information, please answer the following easy question with the correct four digit year number.


What year did Vancouver hold the
2010 Winter Olympics?

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