Opus Outdoor Painting Challenge at the Opus Art Supplies North Vancouver

Event Details

Opus Art Supplies

2018 marks the 7th Anniversary for OPC and we’re inviting YOU to come and celebrate this wonderful event! Share your enthusiasm for creativity with your community of artists and neighbours. The Opus Outdoor Painting Challenge is an event that provides a unique opportunity for the visual art communities of BC to come together to make art outdoors.

This special event welcomes all ages and levels of skill, and encourages participants to try something new, whether that be working outdoors for the first time, or simply within the limitations of the challenge rules.

Each location will have a designated “Painting Zone” with a variety of subject matter to choose from. Try a cityscape, a waterfront view, the flora and fauna around you, or even the picture in your mind that the day inspires.

Work in acrylics or oils, watercolour or pencil, collage or assemblage, or all of the above!

All mediums and points of view are welcome.

For more information please visit www.opusartsupplies.com




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