Organic Voices ~ Laudate Singers

Event Details

St Andrew’s United Church

Organic Voices brings together the always-exciting Laudate Singers with Denis Bédard, one of Canada’s premiere organists. With composers Bruckner, Brahms, Britten, Bales and Bédard, this concert could be called The Five B’s! except that one of the highlights is sure to be a new commission by the composer-team Andrei Diaconu and Taymaz Saba.

Tickets available at or by calling 604.729.6814

$25 Adults / $20 Seniors / $10 Students / Free 12 and under

Repeat concert:
Friday March 23, 8:00 pm
Holy Rosary Cathedral
646 Richards Street, Vancouver
Tickets available from the parish office 604.682.6774 or



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