The story takes us to the magical world of Dr. Coppélius, a lonely and disillusioned toy maker who wishes he could bring his dolls to life in order to find the perfect wife. He creates Coppélia, a life-sized dancing doll so beautiful that Nathanael, one of the local villagers falls madly in love with her. Nathanael’s spurned sweetheart Klara enacts revenge by dressing as the doll and pretending to come to life.
A journey that transcends the boundaries of real versus imaginary experience, Coppélia is both a playful fairytale and a comedic love story that is told through the vibrant contemporary choreography of the award-winning Bengt Jörgen.
Widely recognized for its innovation, warmth, humour and beauty, Ballet Jorgen Canada is the only major Canadian ballet company with an exclusive repertoire of original works.
“The entire Jőrgen company fills the stage with such exquisite life you are swept along for an entertaining ride.”
The Hamilton Spectator
“…innovative, whimsical and amusing, yet dramatic in all the right places.”
The Barrie Examiner