Contemporary Responses to Old Master Prints at the Seymour Art Gallery North Vancouver

Event Details

Seymour Art Gallery

This exhibition features the work of six contemporary artists, who work in a variety of media and styles, and who are responding to two old master prints depicting Classical art and architecture. Reception: Sunday, September 14, 2–4pm.

You Can’t Take It With You: Renaissance Souvenirs
Free Public Lecture: Sunday, September 28, 2pm.
Dr. Hilary Letwin, Interim Curator, Seymour Art Gallery

The earlier print is an engraving published in 1553, picturing an “accurate” antique portrait bust of the philosopher, Aristotle. The later print is an etching by Giovanni Battista Piranesi (1720-1778) of the Aqua Vergine aqueduct in Rome, which is part of a series of prints after Roman ruins, published in 1756. Both prints show antiquity through the lens of their own times and were originally produced primarily as tourist souvenirs. The works by these six contemporary artists will present one more lens through which we might see these antiquities: the lens of today.

Please call us at 604-924-1378 for more information about this event.



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