Nourishing the mind, body and spirit with your local harvest
Join Naturopathic Doctors Fiona Smulders and Aaron Wong on a walk through
Loutet farm to discover the medicinal value of locally grown produce.
During this educational series, you will learn:
How to get the most health benefits from foods you grow in your garden
How to use local vegetables, fruits, herbs, and weeds as medicine to
energize, boost immune function, enhance mental clarity, and balance
hormone levels
The importance of growing your own food and eating locally grown produce.
Instructors: Drs. Aaron Wong & Fiona Smulders
Drs. Aaron Wong and Fiona Smulders practice at Butterfly Naturopathic
Medical Clinic in Central Lonsdale. They are passionate educators on
healthy eating, positive lifestyle changes, exploring mental-emotional
belief systems, and strengthening one’s connection to nature. At
Butterfly Naturopathic Medical Clinic, they combine the healing practices
of traditional natural therapies with western medicine practices to provide
holistic health care for their patients.
Cost: $8