MEC Bikefest North Shore

Event Details

Inter River Park

Join us for MEC Bikefest North Shore – an exciting weekend of cycling fun, learning, and racing now that MEC Bikefest and the North Shore Bike Fest are one big event.

The event will feature bike maintenance courses, commuter safety skills, bicycle demos as well as information from cycling community groups.

We are collaborating with The Return of the Ripper racing series. Race the Chainless Downhill, the Euro Enduro and/ or the Super D.

Highlights and performances
Performances by The Flow Riders at the Flow Show
Bike maintenance clinics
On-site mechanics
Bike demos
Art Show with local and world renowned photographers
BMX clinics
Guided rides
Kids races and pump track
Yoga for cyclists
Mount Seymour Lions Charity BBQ
Beer Garden
BEST Valet bicycle parking
MuddBunnies Bike Wash
Local bike shops, vendors and manufacturers
NSMBA Thursday night film screening



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