North Vancouver Legal and Lawyers

  • Jonathan J. Israels Law Corporation

    Jonathan J. Israels is a Criminal Defense Lawyer (and former Crown Prosecutor), who defends persons involved and/or charged with impaired driving, drug offences and…

    Suite 760 - 475 West Georgia Street
  • Silver and Associates Law Corp.

    At Silver and Associates Law Corp. our goal is to provide our clients with personal, professional legal service that is innovative and cost effective.…

    301 - 145 West 15th Street, North Vancouver, BC
  • Veritas Law Barristers and Solicitors

    Members of the Business and Corporate Law Practice Group at Veritas Law pride themselves on their ability to assist clients design and implement thoughtful,…

    203 - 815 Main Street, The Village at Park Royal, West Vancouver, BC
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    Jonathan J. Israels Law Corporation

    Suite 760 - 475 West Georgia Street
    Jonathan J. Israels is a Criminal Defense Lawyer (and former Crown Prosecutor), who defends persons involved and/or charged with impaired driving, drug offences and crimes of violence. As a former Crown, Mr. Israels prosecuted multiple criminal code and impaired driving cases in both North Vancouver and Vancouver. Mr. Israels uses…

    Silver and Associates Law Corp.

    301 - 145 West 15th Street, North Vancouver, BC
    At Silver and Associates Law Corp. our goal is to provide our clients with personal, professional legal service that is innovative and cost effective. We specialize in the areas of real estate law, wills and estates, corporate law and family law. Further, we provide Mobile Legal Service for those with…

    Veritas Law Barristers and Solicitors

    203 - 815 Main Street, The Village at Park Royal, West Vancouver, BC
    Members of the Business and Corporate Law Practice Group at Veritas Law pride themselves on their ability to assist clients design and implement thoughtful, innovative and practical solutions to resolve business issues. All major disciplines of Law are practiced at Veritas. Members of our office are fluent in Mandarin, Cantonese,…