As I See It

Opening Reception: Sat, Mar 3, 2:00-4:00pm

Vern’s inspiration comes from everyday activities. Using bold bright acrylics on canvas he captures movement, people on the go, animals and plant life, creating ¬cheerful and vibrant caricature-like local scenes.

Art life was promising and busy for Vern in the 90’s until he had a brain aneurism and stroke leaving him with limited speech and mobility as well as almost no use of his right hand. Despite these restrictions Vern has retrained himself and expresses his love and appreciation for life in his artwork. Nothing brings him greater pleasure then seeing someone take the time to study one of his paintings and then smile.

District Library Gallery
Lynn Valley Main Library,
1277 Lynn Valley Road, North Vancouver, BC
Mon-Fri 9am–9pm, Sat 9am–5pm, Sun 12-5pm

[custom name=”address” value=”1277 Lynn Valley Road, North Vancouver, BC”]
[custom name=”contact_name” value=”Jo Dunlop”]
[custom name=”end_time” value=”9:00 pm”]
[custom name=”event_date” value=”20120229″]
[custom name=”event_image” value=””]
[custom name=”event_location” value=”Lynn Valley Main Library”]
[custom name=”phone” value=”604-988-6844″]
[custom name=”start_time” value=”9:00 am”]
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