Your Child’s Eyes: Beyond 20/20

Vision is a fundamental source for obtaining and processing information. It has been estimated that as much as 80% of learning is through a child’s eyes. As a child progresses in school, visual demands will increase and if his/her visual skills are impaired, learning will become a struggle. Many eye conditions can occur without obvious symptoms. A child who sees 20/20 can still have vision problems, including poor eye teaming, eye focusing and eye-hand coordination. Early detection of such conditions is important to ensure successful treatment.

Warning Signs:
– headaches
– eye rubbing
– covering one eye
– avoiding reading
– losing place when reading
– tilting head to one side
– short attention span
– performing below potential

Frequency of Eye Exam
It is recommended that children have a comprehensive eye exam at six months of age, and then yearly after the age of three. Vision changes can occur as your child grows, so it is important to include eye health as part of the school age routine.

Comprehensive Eye Health
Vision screenings are limited in determining a child’s complete eye health and visual function. A thorough eye exam by an eye doctor is essential in providing the best vision possible. Your optometrist will provide you with recommendations and treatment options based on your child’s needs to ensure full potential in school and sports.

Written By: Dr. Tina Najafi, Optometrist at Image Optometry Park Royal