First Nations Residential Day Scholar Fundraising Event at the Chief Joe Mathias Centre North Vancouver

Event Details

Chief Joe Mathias Centre

98 Nations, Including Squamish, have joined a class action suit for the Residential Day Scholars, and we are hosting an amazing fundraising event.

Here is an informative video regarding day scholars.

The Tk’emlüps te Secwepemc and the shíshālh Nation request your attendance at a once in a lifetime gala evening called ‘Spirit Rising’. Spirit Rising Gala aspires to raise funds for the pursuit of justice for the Day Scholars, survivors of the residential school regime.

After years in court, these two Nations have been granted class action certification to pursue compensation for the Day Scholar children that attended Residential Schools during the day. These survivors suffered the same abuses and torture as full-time students. Unlike those students they have not been recognized nor compensated by the Government of Canada.

Join us to make history. To date, 98 First Nations have joined this historic class action suit. Come be on the side of transformative justice.

The Spirit Rising Gala fundraiser will include a live concert featuring the Juno Award winning band Bitterly Divine, cultural performances and a silent auction. We hope you are able to come support these First Nations to continue their journey to gain recognition and compensation for these Day Scholars.

Your participation is instrumental in making this an unforgettable and historic event. Join us in building this new legacy of recognition and healing.

Shíshā|h Nation Tk’emlüpste Secwepemc Nation

For more information please visit our website at



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