North Vancouver Seniors Services

  • North Shore Keep Well Society

    We believe that the quality of seniors’ lives is enhanced when they exercise, eat wisely, learn to relax, do enjoyable things both physical and…

    1733 Lions Gate Lane
  • North Shore Neighbourhood House for Seniors

    North Shore Neighbourhood House offers programs and services that make the lives of people 55 years and up, healthier and more meaningful. We provide…

    225 East 2nd Street, North Vancouver, BC
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    We believe that the quality of seniors’ lives is enhanced when they exercise, eat wisely, learn to relax, do enjoyable things both physical and mental, continue to learn and grow, help each other, and play active…


    North Shore Keep Well Society

    1733 Lions Gate Lane

    North Shore Neighbourhood House offers programs and services that make the lives of people 55 years and up, healthier and more meaningful. We provide social and recreational programs designed specifically to meet senior's health, wellness and…

    North Shore Neighbourhood House for Seniors

    225 East 2nd Street, North Vancouver, BC

    CareAge Home and Health Inc.

    101 - 720 Copping Street, North Vancouver, BC

    Ensemble Concierge

    1573 Dempsey Road, North Vancouver, BC

    North Shore Seniors Rideline

    Silver Harbour Seniors Activity Centre

    144 - East 22nd Street, North Vancouver, BC

    Comfort Keepers

    204 - 132 West 15th Street, North Vancouver, BC

    Hear at Home Mobile Hearing Clinic

    149 - 1233 Lynn Valley Road, North Vancouver, BC