Friends of the Library Book Sale

Event Details

Lynn Valley Library, Community Meeting Room

Big Book Sale February 24 -‐ 26

Bargains galore for all bookworms! Books, CDs, and DVDs will be on sale for 50 cents to $2.

On Sunday everything is 1/2 price! Or, fill a bag of books for $3 or a box of books for
$6 on Sunday.

Dates and Times:
Friday, February 24. 10:00am -‐ 7:00pm Saturday, February 25. 10:00am -‐ 4:00pm Sunday, February 26. noon -‐ 4:00pm

Lynn Valley Main Library Community Room, Lynn Valley Village 1277 Lynn Valley Road

Proceeds will provide book prizes for the Summer Reading Club, and will fund an improved reading lounge at Lynn Valley Main Library as part of the Friends’ “Excite Your Library Experience” campaign.

Please bring your own bag to carry your purchases.

For more information about the Friends visit .



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