Schools and Education

Private and public schools are listed here. Kindergarten, Montessori, elementary and secondary high school education. Call for more information.

1860 Sutherland Avenue, North Vancouver, BC


Sutherland strives to develop student’s skills, intellect and personal growth in a supportive, respectful learning environment and to prepare students to become responsible citizens.​ . . .

2121 Lonsdale Avenue, North Vancouver, BC


​​​​The North Vancouver School District #44 provides comprehensive educational programs to meet the diverse needs of students. In addition to the required program defined by the Ministry of Education, the School District has a rich array of specialty programs and services. . . .

1131 Frederick Road, North Vancouver, BC


The primary role of Argyle Secondary School is to assist students in the ongoing process of becoming an educated person by providing a nurturing environment. An educated person is thoughtful and capable of making independent and informed decisions. This individual is curious, interested in lifelong learning, respectful of others, capable of acquiring, evaluating, . . .

2145 Jones Avenue, North Vancouver


Carson Graham Secondary School is an accredited International Baccalaureate World School offering both the Middle Years Programme for all students in grades 8-10 and the Diploma Programme for those who choose it in grades 11-12. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​We strive for excellence in all endeavours, encourage personal and social responsibility, respect diversity, and work to develop . . .

1033 Handsworth Road, North Vancouver, BC


Handsworth’s mission is to maximize the potential of all students’ human endeavours intellectual, cultural, social, aesthetic, creative, and physical. We encourage students to understand the relevance of their education within a larger social and global context. We believe in developing self-esteem, emotional well-being, a respect for others, a desire for life-long learning, and . . .

Schools and Education - Directory Listings

Click thru on the individual listings below to discover more (contact info, phone, photos).





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