Westpro Painting

763 East 21st Street, North Vancouver, BC

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About Westpro Painting

Westpro Painting provides both quality residential and commercial painting services to the North Shore and beyond. We also perform drywall work, crown moulding and baseboard installation and powerwashing. Only use the highest quality paints , stains, lacquers ,epoxies and elastomeric waterproof coatings. We have accounts at all major paint stores in the city including Benjamin Moore, ICI , General Paint, Sherwin Williams and Cloverdale Paint. And because we purchase so much paint through the year we can provide you the customer with exceptional pricing on those products with discounts of up to 60% off retail pricing. If quality and value is what you require, please contact Westpro, you will happy that you did! In this day and age when the environment is such a concern , we now have the ability to provide you and your family with environmentally friendly paints. Meaning the paint itself does not release any VOC’s into the air while it drying. VOC= Volatile Organic Compounds, basically they are the solvents that evaporate from the paint coating. If you would like any information on these types of paints please feel free to give Richard a call.

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