2015 Culture Days at Gordon Smith Gallery of Canadian Art North Vancouver

Event Details

Gordon Smith Gallery of Canadian Art

Culture Days 2015 (Sept 25-27, Friday to Sunday)

Admission: Free

Friday, Sept 25, 2015

12:00pm-5:00pm “At What Cost?” Exhibition features Artists for Kids Teaching Exhibition with Guest curator, Dr. Hilary Letwin

Saturday, Sept 26, 2015

12:30pm – 2:30pm, North Shore Chamber Orchestra & Ambleside Orchestra Rehearsal

1pm – 3pm, PARC Retirement Living Artist Walk Launch & Family Day

Sunday, Sept 27, 2015

1:00pm-2:00pm Conversation with Guest Curator Hilary Letwin & Artist Robert Young

3:00pm-4:00pm Writing Sound: Panel Discussion & Performance with Laudate Singers

For more information about this event please visit our website at http://www3.gordonsmithgallery.ca/Gallery/programs/robertdavidsonprogramming/Pages/default.aspx




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