Book Talk ‘Sensational Vancouver’ by Eve Lazarus at the Lynn Valley Library

Eve Lazarus will give an illustrated presentation about her latest book Sensational Vancouver, a #1 BC bestseller. The book takes an untraditional approach to history and looks at everything from police corruption, high-end brothels and unsolved murders to ground breaking west coast architecture and legendary women such as North Vancouver’s Phyllis Munday and Valerie Jerome. […]

SFU’s Philosophers’ Café at the Lynn Valley Library

The Neoliberal Diet Excess weight and obesity are increasingly salient public health issues in many countries of the world, including Canada. Can this be attributed to increasing incomes coupled with individual bad choices, or are there deeper societal causes, like inequality, which tilt food choices in the direction of energy-dense diets? What is the role […]

Caregiver Distress at the Lynn Valley Library

lynn valley library

Are you, or someone you know, struggling with caring for a senior on your own? Or maybe you are struggling with balancing work, family and senior care? This presentation will show you how to recognise caregiver stress and give you some easy tools to help you to manage the situation, and helpful handouts will give […]

Managing Caregiver Stress at the Lynn Valley Library – Program Room

Many caregivers find that the demands of family, work and life are all too much for them and start to suffer the signs of stress and burnout. Come along to meet Fiona Kelly (BA, CPCA) and to pick up some tips as to how to deal with all the demands that being a caregiver can […]

Educational/History Community Event in Lynn Valley Library

lynn valley library

Join us for a discussion, mderated by Laurent Dobuzinskis. Topic: Is it Time for a Basic Income Guarantee (BIG)? The idea that government should provide everyone with an unconditional and reasonably generous basic income is gaining ground. It could be cheaper to run than existing means-tested social programs and would give people more control over […]

Karen Magnussen Youth Event for Grades 5-7 North Vancouver

Come and join us on Friday, Feburay 13th for a night of Dancing, Skating, Swimming, Wii and Air Hockey as we take over the facility! For more information about this event please call Kristy Van Nes at 604-983-6566 or email her at This event is for youth in grades 5-7.

Bring Your Own Voice at St. Clements Anglican Church

lynn valley united church

Voice is both our physical singing voice as well as a metaphor for the unique body, mind and soul that are in each of us.  When we show up with this unique voice and authentic self in our lives and relationships, we are enriched and fulfilled.  When we bring this authentic voice to a singing […]

Bring Your Own Voice at St. Clements Anglican Church

lynn valley united church

Voice is both our physical singing voice as well as a metaphor for the unique body, mind and soul that are in each of us.  When we show up with this unique voice and authentic self in our lives and relationships, we are enriched and fulfilled.  When we bring this authentic voice to a singing […]

Bring Your Own Voice at St. Clements Anglican Church

Voice is both our physical singing voice as well as a metaphor for the unique body, mind and soul that are in each of us.  When we show up with this unique voice and authentic self in our lives and relationships, we are enriched and fulfilled.  When we bring this authentic voice to a singing […]

Friday Night Live: Camilo the Magican at the Lynn Valley Library

Lynn Valley’s only improv comedy variety show is perfect for all ages. FNL is pleased to welcome back Camilo! Camilo is so incredibly awesome, the band Said the Whale wrote a song about him! Funny, engaging and super-talented. He’s recently completed his Somnium Tour – taking him from Vancouver to Whitehorse to Bogata Columbia to Victoria […]