When I started the Arrowsmith Program in 1978, I dreamed of a day when students could overcome their learning disabilities, become life-long learners, achieve their goals, and once again, dare to dream. For over 35 years, the Arrowsmith Program has been doing just that; we’ve made great strides and changed countless lives. The program is now in more than 60 schools in Canada, the U.S., Australia and New Zealand. Every day we are moved by the stories of success we receive from alumni, their parents, and teachers, but more work remains to be done.
As you know, the Arrowsmith Program has had ongoing dialogue with researchers interested in investigating the many benefits of the program’s cognitive exercises. I’m writing to tell you about a new research project that has me very excited. Dr. Lara Boyd, the highly-regarded Canada Research Chair in Neurobiology of Motor Learning, at the University of British Columbia (UBC), is conducting brain imaging on twenty students with learning disabilities undergoing the Arrowsmith Program at Eaton Arrowsmith School and Eaton Arrowsmith Academy
The main aim of this study is to gain insight into how the Arrowsmith Program alters the structure and function of the brains of children with learning disabilities. This is the first time that advanced brain imaging has been used to assess the impact of the Arrowsmith Program. The data collected will provide preliminary evidence of the impact of training on neuroplastic processes and will inform a larger, longitudinal study.
Arrowsmith Program and the Eaton Educational Group in collaboration with the University of British Columbia (UBC), Vancouver, is hosting a fundraiser with the theme DARE TO DREAM to be held on Saturday October 25 2014.
Howard Eaton, Director of the Eaton Educational Group and Research Director for Arrowsmith Program, and I would truly appreciate your attendance at this event. Your investment in this research has the capacity to help the Arrowsmith Program realize its goal – that one day this program will be an integral part of formal education systems around the world.
Today, one in 12 children battles a learning disability. You have experienced these frustrations firsthand. Research, like the kind happening at UBC, will go a long way to enable students to overcome their learning disabilities, reach their full potential and once again, dream. Help us continue to dream. Please join us at the Dare to Dream Cocktail Fundraiser on October 25th 2014.
Thank you for your time. We hope to see you at the Dare to Dream Cocktail Fundraiser.
Barbara Arrowsmith Young
Arrowsmith Program
Please visit our website at www.eatonarrowsmithschool.com
Please get your tickets at www.daretodreamarrowsmith.eventbrite.ca