Election 2014 – Real Citizens Promote the Vote

Three years ago, real citizens got together with our WestVancouver.com and NorthVancouver.com websites to make a VOTE! video. It took over 26+ hours to put it all together (thank you Leagh Gabriel) and the results were amazing. Time to pull it back out of the vault and take a look.

Remember Voting Day is Saturday Nov 15, 2014 and we’d love your help spreading the word. Thanks everyone! – Jason Black, David Thomas, Anne McMullin, Mark Ballard, Joanne Taylor Thomas, Rick Amantea and more.

Originally produced back in 2011, this video was done in partial partnership with the North Vancouver Chamber of Commerce, West Vancouver Chamber of Commerce and Park Royal Shopping Centre as well as NorthVancouver.com and WestVancouver.com

Get out and rock the vote!

PS. Three cheers for local music group Bend Sinister who granted us the right to use their “Things Will Get Better” song in this video.