Imperio Dental Information Series – Free Seminar

Event Details

Kay Meek Centre

Look for better dentures
or a solution for permanent teeth?

Looking for better dentures or a solution for Permanent Teeth?

Join Dr. Kendall James for a free seminar.

Topics will include:
– Dental Implants to reduce denture movement and pain.
– Dental Implants to hold replacement teeth
– Increase the function of your bite
– Importance of regular hygiene appointments even if you don’t have teeth
– Answer questions regarding permanent teeth
– Enhance the aesthetics of your smile

Refreshments to be served.

Upcoming Dates
April 13, 2017
April 27, 2017
May 11, 2017
May 25, 2017

Please RSVP
Phone: 604-983-9836

Visit our website for more information and more venue information



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