Dolly Parton’s Smoky Mountain Christmas Carol
Set during the 1930s in the Smoky Mountains of East Tennessee, this heartwarming musical reimagines Ebenezer Scrooge as the owner of a mining company town, where his callous greed blinds him to the joys of the season. As a Christmas Eve snowstorm approaches, Scrooge is visited by his deceased business partner and three ghosts who […]
Vancouver Christmas Market
Get those Glühwein mugs ready! The Vancouver Christmas Market returns to Jack Poole Plaza. Delight in German-style food and drinks, hop on our Christmas carousel and stroll through a wonderland of holiday shopping, music and lights. Considered “THE” Christmas market in Canada. All single-entry admissions to the Vancouver Christmas Market are by date and time. […]
North Shore Celtic Ensemble – Winter Concert Series
Join us for what is sure to be a fantastic show with many new tune and the trademark NSCE dynamic, charismatic energy. You won’t want to miss it! Come, allow your spirit to be re-kindled with joyful music, memorable arrangements and engaging talents. These young, superb, NSCE musicians are offering a landmark performance with special […]
Imagine Picasso – The Exhibition
Imagine Picasso is a new type of immersive exhibition which highlights and celebrates the work of the Modern Art Master Pablo Picasso. This artistic experience is the result of a meeting between Annabelle Mauger, pioneer of immersive art, and Rudy Ricciotti, Grand Prix National d’architecture, both fascinated by Picasso. Together, with Julien Baron, they imagine […]
Classic and Contemporary Car Invitational
New Date! September 26th. Benefitting kids at Canuck Place Children’s Hospice Canuck Place is excited to be the beneficiary of the first Classic and Contemporary Car Invitational on Sunday, September 26, 2021 at Ambleside Park in West Vancouver from 2-5 pm. Car collectors from across the Lower Mainland are encouraged to showcase their unique cars […]
Light Up Chinatown
This September, the Vancouver Chinatown Foundation and the Chinatown Business Improvement Association invite the whole community to Light Up Chinatown! The inaugural, two-day event runs September 11 and 12th, 2021, featuring a variety of family-friendly activities along East Pender and neighbouring streets – from live entertainment, exclusive food collaborations, to glittering displays of lights and […]
Imagine Van Gogh – The Immersive Exhibition
From May thru October 31, 2021 Imagine Van Gogh highlights the works of Vincent Van Gogh from his Arles period (1888-1889) to the end of his life in 1890. These were exceptional years for the master, showcasing his talent, as well as his torments, in iconic works such as Sunflowers, Irises, Wheatfield with Crows, The […]
COHO Festival 2021
This year we are very proud to be able to present a remixed version of the Coho Festival. Highlights for this year are a Virtual Edition Coho Run/Walk. You can choose your distance and challenge yourself against some renowned athletes and noteworthy community leaders. Run or walk…everyone can participate! If you know a swimmer, share […]
Terry Fox Run 2021
In Canada alone, there are hundreds of locations for the Terry Fox Run. This year, participate from wherever you are! Around your neighbourhood, backyard, down the street or around the block. Walk, Ride, Wheel, Run. Register to fundraise in support of cancer research. One Day. Your Way.
Vancouver International Fringe Festival 2021
Vancouver International Fringe Festival is known as one of the most important and famous alternative theater festivals. The festival is held for ten days in September. This year it runs from September 9 – 19th.