North Shore Writers Festival

Event Details

Lynn Valley Main Library

North Shore Writers Festival – Lynn Valley Main Library

April 19 – April 20

A tradition on the North Shore for 14 years, the North Shore Writers Festival is set for another spectacular event this April. The North Shore Writers Festival is brought to you by the three public libraries on the North Shore – North Vancouver City Library, North Vancouver District Public Library and West Vancouver Memorial Library.

This year’s festival will feature readings from notable Canadian authors Helen Humphreys, Terry Fallis, Tanis Rideout and Evelyn Lau; a literary trivia night; a panel of local foodies sharing their experiences writing and blogging about food; a panel discussion that will illuminate what happens after your writing is published; and a reception complete with a grand prize draw.

Please find below a complete schedule of events. All events are free, and seats are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Festival goers are invited to come for a session or stay for the day.

Friday, April 19, 2013

An Adventure Story of the Modern Age: Author Talk with Tanis Rideout
7 p.m. – 7:45 p.m.
Join Tanis Rideout, who will discuss her first novel, Above All Things, a harrowing story of George Mallory’s ill-fated attempt to conquer Mount Everest.

Literary Trivia Night
8:30 p.m. – 10 p.m.
Test your mental mettle at our quiz night, hosted by local author and CBC personality, Grant Lawrence. Register teams of six (or fewer) by emailing Individuals are welcome to form spontaneous teams at the event. Prizes and cash bar.

Saturday, April 20

So You’re Finally Published! Now What? – Panel Discussion
10 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Join the North Shore Writers’ Association’s panel of experts to hear what’s in store for authors once their work is ready for publication and sales. Panelists include Maggie Bolitho, Karen Bower, Martin Crosbie, Lynn Crymble, Sonia Haynes and Sylvia Taylor.

Words From The People’s Poet: Author Talk with Evelyn Lau
11:45 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
Award-winning author and Vancouver’s Poet Laureate, Evelyn Lau, will share poems with the audience from her latest book, A Grain of Rice.

The Art of Food Writing – Panel Discussion
1 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Local foodies share their experiences with writing and blogging about food, restaurants and recipes. Moderated by Barbara-jo McIntosh of Barbara-Jo’s Books to Cooks. Panelists include Diana Chan, Andrew Morrison, Mijune Pak and Stephanie Yuen.

Humour of the Canadian Variety: Author Talk with Terry Fallis
3 p.m. – 4 p.m.
Terry Fallis has been described as CanLit’s king of chuckles. Come hear from his latest hilarious page-turner, Up and Down.

Writing about the Personal: Author Talk with Helen Humphreys
4:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Join award-winning author Helen Humphreys for a discussion about her latest book, Nocturne, a memoir about the life and death of her brother, Martin.

Writers and Readers Reception
5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.
Join us for refreshments, including wine and appetizers, and mingle with fellow festival-goers. Hosted by local literary maestro Sean Cranbury, the event will feature music, door prizes and the winner of the North Shore Writers’ Association’s writing contest will be announced.


Lynn Valley Main Library, North Vancouver


North Vancouver District Public Library


Literary Arts

Ticket Price:



Madeline Kozak

Box Office:

604-990-5800, ext. 8107


1277 Lynn Valley Road

North Vancouver



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