The North Vancouver City Election 2014 will be held on Saturday November 15, 2014. Voters have the chance to elect one person as Mayor, six members to city council and three school board trustees. Please check back to this page for further voting instructions and voting locations in the City of NorthVancouver.
Looking for information how to upload candidate election information, videos and links – or for information on how to appear in our NorthVancouver.com Election print guide – please click here for our sales Web + Print = Social pricing and sample print guide information. – – –Mayor of North Vancouver City (Elect one)
The election of Mayor in the City of North Vancouver is available to one candidate. Each voter can cast one vote for Mayor.
Mussatto, Darrell | |
935 St. Andrews AvenueNorth Vancouver, BC V7L 3L3Tel: 604-986-5876
Email: dmussatto@hotmail.com |
Morris, Kerry | |
784 East 15th StreetNorth Vancouver, BC V7L 2S4Tel: 604-971-5432
Email: kerry.morris@shaw.ca |
Pringle, George Sifton | |
102 – 163 West 5th StreetNorth Vancouver, BC V7M 1J6Tel: 604-971-0665
Email: george.pringle@yahoo.ca |
North Vancouver City Councillors (Elect six)
The City of North Vancouver needs to elect six (6) councillors this election. You can cast one vote for one person, or anywhere up to six votes for six different nominees. The top six vote getters will be elected to North Vancouver City council.
Keating, Craig | |
172 East 25th StreetNorth Vancouver, BC V7N 1A1Tel: 604-984-7485
Email: creynoldskeating@gmail.com |
Back, Holly | |
2100 Rufus DriveNorth Vancouver, BC V7J 3P9Tel: 778-688-3669
Email: info@hollyback.ca |
Bell, Bill | |
1406 – 110 West 4th StreetNorth Vancouver, BC V7M 3H3Tel: 778-251-4303
Email: electbell@shaw.ca |
Bell, Dorothy Anne | |
1406 – 110 West 4th StreetNorth Vancouver, BC V7M 3H3Tel: 778-251-4303
Email: electbell@shaw.ca |
Bookham, Pam | |
508 East 12th StreetNorth Vancouver, BC V7L 2K4Tel: 604-986-5560
Email: bookham@shaw.ca |
Buchanan, Linda | |
508 East Keith RoadNorth Vancouver, BC V7L 1W2Tel: 604-988-7270
Email: buchanan4council@telus.net |
Clark, Matt | |
619 Fir StreetNorth Vancouver, BC V7M 1W3Tel: 604-362-4983
Email: contactmattclark@gmail.com |
Clark, Rod | |
628 East 2nd StreetNorth Vancouver, BC V7L 1E3Tel: 604-351-8166
Email: clark@royal.net |
Fearnley, Via | |
4003 Delbrook AvenueNorth Vancouver, BC V7N 3Z9Tel: 604-988-8989
Email: viafearnley@shaw.ca |
Harvey, John | |
33 – 1910 Cedar Village CrescentNorth Vancouver, BC V7J 3M5Tel: 604-986-3025
Email: joharv@telus.net |
Janis, Dave | |
203 West 2nd Street Unit DNorth Vancouver, BC V7M 1C9Tel: 604-988-3093
Email: doubledvd@yahoo.ca |
Bell, Don | |
#402 – 137 West 17th StreetNorth Vancouver, BC V7M 1V5Tel: 604-985-2356
Email: donbell@live.ca |
McGrenera, Kathy | |
#103 – 510 Chesterfield AvenueNorth Vancouver, BC V7M 2L9Tel: 604-980-7847
Email: kmcgrenera@gmail.com |
Makris, Iani | |
No. 5 Lonsdale AvenueNorth Vancouver, BC V7M 2E4Tel: 604-727-5782
Email: ianimakris@hotmail.com |
Heilman, Joe | |
248 West 27th StreetNorth Vancouver, BC V7N 2H2Tel: 778-893-7818
Email: joe@heilman.ca |
Nichol, Amanda | |
485 East 1st StreetNorth Vancouver, BC V7L 1B8Tel: 604-817-6540
Email: anichol@gmail.com |
Sostad, Ron | |
231 East 15th StreetNorth Vancouver, BC V7L 2l7Tel: 604-988-3131 Evergreen House |
Valente, Tony | |
14 – 168 East Esplanade StreetNorth Vancouver, BC V7L 4X8Tel: 604-355-2959
Email: tony@tonyvalente.ca |
School Board Trustee North Vancouver (Elect three)
The City of North Vancouver needs to elect three (3) school board trustees. The top three vote getters will be elected to North Vancouver School Board positions.
Higgins, Megan | |
243 East 18th StreetNorth Vancouver, BC V7L 2X7Tel: 604-904-9399
Email: megan@meganhiggins.ca |
Lahulek, Tanya | |
2 – 1745 Fell AvenueNorth Vancouver, BC V7P 3L4Tel: 604-500-8613
Email: tanyalahuleksd44@yahoo.ca |
Papandreou, Bill Vassilis | |
304-155 East 19th StreetNorth Vancouver, BC V7L 2Y9Tel: 604-779-4135
Email: essentialfit@hotmail.com |
Sacre, Christie | |
460 East 6th StreetNorth Vancouver, BC V7L 1P9Tel: 604-999-2894
Email: clsacre@gmail.com |
Skinner, Susan | |
2572 Fromme RoadNorth Vancouver, BC V7J 3K4Tel: 778-835-5307
Email: shskinner@yahoo.ca |
Tasi, Mary | |
322 West 6th StreetNorth Vancouver, BC V7M 1K8Tel: 604-202-9551
Email: mtasi@telus.net |
Warkentin, Erika | |
316 East 5th StreetNorth Vancouver, BC V7L 1L9Tel: 604-765-8095
Email: erikawarkentin@hotmail.com |
Wilson, Antje | |
622 East 4th StreetNorth Vancouver, BC V7L 1J8Tel: 604-983-8185
Email: antje@antjewilson.com |