Operation Red Nose Safe Ride Home

Residents of North Vancouver and West Vancouver (Vancouver’s North Shore) can take advantage of Operation Red Nose’s safe ride home program this 2013 holiday season.

Call 604-619-0492 for ride information


Operation Red Nose’s safe ride service is confidential and free. And, 100% of all client donations are given to local non-profit youth organizations.

The service is not exclusive to motorists who have been drinking; it’s also available for those who don’t feel fit to drive because of fatigue or medication, for example. One can call on the services of Operation Red Nose more than once during the course of an evening, either to get from one location to another, or simply to get home safe.

The Operation Red Nose service is provided to the community by the community. Each year, more than 55, 000 volunteers make this service possible across the country. They operate from within their local headquarters as phone operators, dispatchers or by training other volunteers, or on a road team of three volunteers including: the escort driver, the volunteer driver, and the navigator.

Escort driver
This volunteer uses his or her personal vehicle in order to drive the volunteer driver and the navigator to the location where the client is waiting. Once the client has reached his destination, the escort driver takes his two team mates and either heads back to the headquarters or phones dispatch to receive instructions about the next ride.

Volunteer driver
The volunteer who drives the client’s vehicle.

This volunteer rides along with the volunteer driver and the client in the client’s vehicle. The navigator usually sits in the front and makes sure that everything goes well. The navigator also acts as the team’s secretary by filling out the transportation form, and preparing a receipt for any donation received.

Operation Red Nose is a free, designated driver sevice which helps to keep our community safe during the holiday season. For the 11th year, Operation Red Nose on the North Shore is brought to you by the North Shore Rotary Clubs. Call (604) 619-0942 between 9pm and 3am for service on the North Shore or Bowen Island. For other locations, call 1-877-604-6673 (1-977-604-NOSE). Please note that these numbers are ONLY available on the nights that service is available, so do NOT leave messages.
