Sexy Healthy Wealthy Women

Event Details

Centennial Theatre

Short Version:

Attention Sexy Healthy Wealthy Women, attend a daylong event presented by 7 female powerhouse presenters. Learn the secrets to a Sexier, Healthier & Wealthier you.

Longer Version

Attention Sexy Healthy Wealthy Women, attend a daylong event presented by 7 female powerhouse presenters. Get your sexual energy flowing with Kim Anami, Learn the Secrets to a Sensual Mind with The Inner Bombshell Coach, Find out about Healthy Sexy Hormones with Dr. Anita Tannis, Learn How to Live a Healthier, Happier, More Passionate Life That You Love with Dr. Susan Biali, Stand in Your Power with Sue Dumais, Find out How to Boost Energy, Lose Weight and Stay Young with Caroline Sutherland and special guest speaker Kate Northrup will present on Women & Wealth.
Spend the day with like minded women and start flourishing!



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