The Boy with Enchanted Hands for Ages 6 and Up at the Presentation House Theatre

Event Details

Presentation House Theatre

Friday – 1pm and 7pm

Saturday and Sunday – 1pm and 4pm

Tuesday-Thursday – 10am and 1pm


A PHTheatre, Mortal Coil Performance Society co-production

By Sharon Baly, Tamara Unroe & Kim Selody

Directed by Kim Selody

A boy is born with the gift of ‘Enchanted Hands’. Wherever he touches, a flower grows. This could be a wonderful thing, if not for being born into a world of ‘ready made ideas’ where his gift seems more troublesome than miraculous.

As events unfold, the boy’s unconventional, yet compassionate hands transform a world of industry and guns into a place of beauty. Mortal Coil’s new theatrical work, incorporates innovative use of puppetry, video and clown, creating simple and beautiful imagery that illuminates this imaginative tale.

For more information and to purchase your ticket please call us at 604-990-3474



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