Uptempo Music Lessons

Uptempo Music Lessons
229 Lonsdale Avenue, North Vancouver, BC


> n/a

Best Guitar lessons on the North Shore. Also offer great bass and vocal lessons and theory instruction as well. Group classes available. [custom name="address" value="229 Lonsdale Avenue, North Vancouver, BC"] [custom name="background_colour" value="ffffff"] [custom name="border_colour" value="ffffff"] [custom name="contact_name" value="Ed Sadler"] [custom name="description" value="Best Guitar lessons on the North Shore. Also offer great bass and vocal lessons and theory instruction as well. Group classes available. "] [custom name="el_image" value="http://"] [custom name="email" value="edsguitarlessons@hotmail.com"] [custom name="phone" value="604-910-0604"] [custom name="text_colour" value="000000"] [custom name="website" value="www.vancouverguitarlessons.net"] [custom name="twitter" value="@edfromfz"] [custom name="facebook" value="www.facebook.com/"]

North Vancouver BC